Wilderness Festival
This year Lowie is setting up camp at Wilderness festival in Charlbury, Oxfordshire. We will be bringing our vintage Sunncamp tent and filling it with all sorts of Lowie goodies.
Wilderness this time around is very much reflecting what’s on our minds and has an amazing what seems to be endless line-up of speakers, events and discussions based around sustainability, climate change and just generally about fixing our planet.

We are going to be stocking our new zero waste range of festival essentials, so don’t panic if you forget your toothbrush get a biodegradable bamboo one instead. We also will be selling sporks, cotton buds and combs and environmentally friendly cosmetics such as upcircle recycled coffee soaps and non toxic, organic sunscreen- so you won’t be sat feeling guilty at the Extinction Rebellion talk.

Of course we will also be selling our clothes and I’m pretty sure you can find something more than suitable for saturday’s theme ‘Hue are you?’
Tent set-up prep- we finally got it up!
Wondering how to find our stand? Well we aren’t exactly sure yet either but just look for the retro tent with a canoe outside- that’s Camp Lowie!